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  1. Mul on kahju, et taas on ühed andekad ning Eesti ühiskonnale vajalikud inimesed sealt lahkuda otsustanud, kuid samas mõistan ma teie otsust täielikult.
    Palju häid ja üllatusi täis lehekülgi teie eluraamatusse!

  2. Kahju, et läksite. Aga ehk ongi lastele sellist perioodi vaja, eriti pisikesele Mariale. Te ju igavesi otsuseid ei tee, nagu Justin kunagi kusagil ütles.
    Ilusaid jäneseid ja põnevat kooli lastele!

  3. Kui ma iga jobuametniku pärast, keda kohtan, või iga bürokraatiailmingu tõttu, mis ette satub, otsustaksin kodumaad vahetada, siis ei kujuta küll ette, mitu korda ma seda juba oleksin tegema pidanud. Uskumatuid jaburusi on igas süsteemis, kivipäiseid jobuametnikke küllap samuti, neil ei pea küll laskma oma elu suunata. Aga eks te ole selle Ameerika-mõttega ju kogu aeg mänginud, miks siis ka mitte mõnda aega seal. Edu igal juhul!

  4. Asi polnud mitte “jobuametnikus”, vaid konkreetses seadusesättes. Justin sai trahvi ja ta võib Eesti juhiloa taotlemiseks sõidueksamile minna mitte enne kui 12 kuud pärast trahvi maksmist.
    Muidugi oleks võimalik elada ilma Justini autojuhtimiseta ka (minu Eesti load olid vananenud, mina oleks saanud libedasõidueksami teha ja uusi taotleda küll), aga olukorda vaagides ja ette kujudates seda aastat, tundus päris keeruline, et mina oleks pere ainus autojuht.

    Nüüd on nii, et suvel 2014 Eestisse tulles sõidame mõlemad USA lubadega (juures IDP ehk international driving license). Kui Eestisse tagasi kolime, siis peame muidugi need load ära vahetama ja eksamitele minema.

    Samas on sul õigus, et muidugi olime selle mõttega varemgi mänginud. Aga ei oleks osanud arvata, et see niimoodi, nii kiirelt ja ootamatult juhtub.

  5. Loodan ikka väga, et tulete tagasi ja ei lase Eestit enda jaoks sellel jamal ära rikkuda. Kuigi nokkiv kanakari oli üsna häälekas, ei olnud neid kanu tegelikult nii palju ja päriselt hoitakse ja armastatakse teid siinmail ikka väga.

  6. Ma juba kujutlesin, kuidas teie maja meie kuuri taha kerkib ja kuidas siis on tore selles segasumma-aias kõigil ümberkaudseil lastel turnida:)
    Tulge ikka tagasi!

  7. Ma olen Kristi J.-ga ka mingis mõttes “ühes paadis” ja loodan ka, et see aastake kiirelt läheb ning teid kõiki viit siinmail taas varsti näha saab 🙂

  8. Lapsed vajavad stabiilseid peresuhteid. Kui ema-isa on kõrval, on kõik hästi. Näeme enda lapse pealt. Eestis on ta elanud vähem kui pool oma elueast, ülejäänud aja reisinud ja elanud teistes riikides. Nii rõõmsameelseid ja rahulikke lapsi on raske leida kui tema.
    Ilusat unelmatemaal viibimist teile! 🙂

  9. Edu ja armastust teile, ükskõik kus te olete! Ja loodetavasti rõõmustavad teie kirjaread ikka ja jälle ka eestlasi!
    Kõik, mis te teete, on nii lahe, nii armas, nii õige! Nautige hetke ja oma armsaid!

  10. Kurb küll, et sellistel tingimustel lahkumisotsuse vastu pidite võtma. Teisalt olen Sinu Ameerikamaa-lugusid alati nautinud ja jään teie sõprade-suguseltsi-ühiskonna põnevaid toimetamisi ootama 😉

  11. Petronede elu nende blogides pöialt hoides jälginuna, kuna Epp, Justin ja piigad on alati olnud mu jaoks inimese eneseksolemise, /Eesti & EL/ jaburdustest vangerdamise, ehemeelsuse ja miskitmoodi justkui Jumalate pailapse pärituule pälvinuna selle õige asja tegemise võrdkuju…

    usun ja tean, et teid hoitakse selles elumuutuses ka edaspidi, nii lihtsalt peab olema.

    Jääge ikka iseendaks, hingega inimesteks.

    Armastust ja naerukurde,
    tundmatu sõber 🙂

  12. Loodan, et Te tulete tagasi nagu juba kord tulite. Eks vahepeal peabki ära käima, et aru saada, mis ja kus on hea. Tänapäeval ei peaks äraminekuid väga traagiliselt võtma. Miski pole ju lõplik.
    Loodan väga, et lapsed ei unusta emakeelt ja suvel Te tulete Laulupeole.

    Jään põnevusega ootama “Minu Ameerika” vol.4.

    Õnne ja seiklusi soovides

  13. Kas naiivsetena arvasite, et välismaal käinud eestlasena ja Ameerikas sündinud ameeriklasena te ei peagi Eesti seadusi täitma ja nüüd mängite solvunuid? – head teed teile!

  14. See on küll konkurentsitult totraim ja jaburaim põhjendus elukoha vahetamiseks, mis ma kuulnud olen- solvumine liikluspolitsei peale.

  15. Usun küll, et juhiload vaevalt need ainsad põhjused olid lapsed üleöö ühest keskkonnast teise viia. Küllap olite tõesti juba plaani pidanud. Samas nii pikalt sa sellest ei kirjutaks, kui see poleks sinu jaoks tähtis.

    Mul raske aru saada, kuidas nii rohelised inimesed nagu teie nii väikeses kohas nagu Eesti, eriti veel Viljandis, on suutnud oma elu nii autost sõltuvaks teha?

    Sain aru, et väikelinna valisite elupaigaks just selleks, et kõik oleks käejala lähedal, lapsed saaks oma asju ise ajada. Viljandi on pigem jalgrattalinn.
    Ja kui asju vaja Tallinnas-Tartus ajada, siis rongid-bussid on minu meelest palju mugavam variant.

    kes auto ajab välja viimases hädas.

  16. Edu teile! Eks tänu teie raamatutele on minulgi tunne, justkui oleks teie mõlemaga tuttav. See eri riikide vahel pendeldamine kuulub ka minu elu juurde (mees samuti välismaalane) ja vahel on see raske ent alati huvitav. Osa teist on alati Ameerikas, teine osa alati Eestis. Kõrvaltvaatajatele-salvajatele tundub teie elu pigem kadestamisväärne ja eks nad seepärast oma sapiseid arvamusi avaldavadki.

  17. Tänan kaasa elamast. Küsimus ei olnud solvumises, ikka logistikas. Kui selle saime selgeks seadusi uurides, et väärteomenetluse trahv määratakse kuu jooksul ja pärast selle äramaksmist tuleb 12 kuud ootamist, enne kui inimene saab sõidueksamile minna, siis tõepoolest võtsime ette oma seinakalendri ja plaanid ja hakkasime vaatama, kuidas elu toimiks, kui Justin autorooli istuda ei tohi kuni sept lõpuni 2014.
    Me ei kasutanud Viljandis autot igapäevaselt, ka siin Ameerikas õnnestus tekitada elustiil, kus ei pea seda tegema igapäevaselt, aga iga nädal küll. Sama Viljandis. Meie elu osa oli raamatukogude esinemiskutsed, talukoht maal jms. Mul on väike laps, ma ei taha olla temast eemal nii pikalt ega taha teda ka igale poole kaasa vedada. Detailidesse laskumata, seda elu konkreetselt ette kujutades tuli tõke ette.

    Kristi, see teie kuuri taga asuv krunt, meil oli isegi notariaeg kinni pandud, ja siis helistasin ja andsin teada, et me läheme ära ja loodetavasti tahame osta järgmisel suvel (omanik arvas, et vaevalt et keegi seda vahepeal ostab, neil pole see ju ka aktiivselt müügis…) Praegu oleme aga seisus, kus ei teagi, mis edasi. Seesamune krunt on endiselt südames, aga oleme siiski valmis ka muudeks võimalusteks. Siin on meil ümber nii ilus loodus ja mõtleme, et äkki peaks ikka päris maale kolima… Ja hiilime ka hoopis võimalust, et kui ikkagi jääda USAsse ja kolida ökokülla.

    …Igatahes see kolimise otsus tuli vastu võtta kohe augustis, sest kooliaasta ju oli algamas. Pärast otsust hoidsime madalat profiili, et mitte kohe sattuda meediasse sellega (arvan, et see oli hea valik, sest kolimise perioodil olime hingeliselt haavatavamad, nüüd on juba kookon ümber ja tundub nagu mingi teine, vaat et väljamõeldud maailm, kus elavad sapised kommentaatorid…).
    Samas mul on see Eesti Naise kolumnisari ja otsustasin, et seal kirjutan ausalt, mitte ei mängi peitust.
    Sari jätkub, sest lastega koos kasvamine jätkub :). Ja loodan kasutada siinset elu selleks, et rohkem mõelda ja kirjutada. Muidugi olen kirjastusega ikka ühenduses ja tähtsate otsuste juures, aga samas on ikkagi selline, heas mõttes eksiilis-olemise tunne, mis loodetavasti loomingule kasuks tuleb.

  18. Teie otsus on taiesti moistetav ja ootusparane. Elage ja nautige keskkonna vahetust! See on nii varskendav ja rikastav nii suurtele kui vaikestele. Raagin seda oma kogemustest peale 7 aastat perega USAs. Pealegi ON lastele vaja vanavanemaid ja vastupidi. Justinil on nii hoolivad vanemad, kes vaarivad rohkem aega oma lapselastega. Ja kui tuleb jalle aeg edasi liikuda, siis Eestis olete alati armastatud ja oodatud. Edu ja onne teile!

  19. Väga põnev ettevõtmine 🙂 laste jaoks kindlasti huvitav ja arendav ning suurtelegi vahelduseks tore. Rohkem päikest ja ehk ka tolerantsemaid inimesi.

  20. Esiteks, Epp, sa oled ikka uskumatult kannatlik nendele sapisematele kommentaaridele vastates! Ja usun südamest, et iga sapise kommentaatori kohta leidub vähemalt 10 eestlast, kes on teie kirjutatud raamatutest elamuse saanud ja mõnusalt muhelenud. Usun, et teie pere ja teie pere lood läksid paljudele eestlastele südamesse neil aastatel kui Eestis elasite, ja lähevad ka edaspidi.

    (nõustun ka kommentaatoriga, kes ütles et lastel eelkõige perekeskkonna stabiilsust vaja)

    kõike head ja paremat uueks Ameerika-peatükiks (või raamatuks või eeposeks või milleks iganes see kujuneb!)

  21. Olen alati jälginud teie pere tegemisi imetluse ja rôômuga, Epp tundub nii armas, nagu haldjas, justkui teisest, paremast maailmast..Ei suuda môista, mis toimub nende inimeste kibestunud hingedes, kes kirjutavad neid mürgiseid kommentaare. Vaesed, vaesed eksinud, kui tühi ja rôômutu peab olema nende elu. Teile soovin aga kôike,kôike head ja loodan väga ka edaspidi teie toredatest tegemistest kuulda. Ärge hüljake Eestit päriselt!

  22. Epp,

    Tervitame teid tagasi USAsse. Nüüd oleme meie siia kolinud ja ma mõistan sinu vanu postitusi palju paremini. Loodan, et meie teed viivad meid kokku siin NYgis.

  23. I Google’d Justin’s name and the 1st thing to appear was the story of his mis demeanor arrest. in Estonia. Not about the books he has written, nothing about stories from his Editors job here in New York. The very first story about my son on search is this nasty story. I haven’t said too much about this before but as a mother I find the entire situation disgusting. To have your name and reputation tarnished simply because you took your daughter and niece to a concert and the traffic was so delayed getting out of Tallinn that it became a much longer ride then expected. Then he is stopped because he was driving a bit slower just to be more cautious.
    These traffic cops had such little regard not only for my son but for my 9 year old granddaughter and her cousin as well.
    I have spoken to my granddaughter about this night, she was so frightened and embarrassed. “you know about this Mimi she said? “I was so scared”
    How terrifying must this situation have been for these young girls.
    Such a memorable image of your father sitting in a police car. All of this because they, the Estonian government demand that you give up your only form of legal ID here in New York, USA to get an Estonian drivers license. I have driven in many European countries and never thought anything about it. I have never heard of this happening to anyone I know in any country. We have driven in Italy, Germany, England, Switzerland, The Netherlands, Ireland, The Virgin Islands, British, Dutch & US, Mexico, and Canada. We never felt threatened or illegal. So I guess our son didn’t feel he was doing anything wrong either. If he surrendered his license he couldn’t do any banking here or open a credit account or even buy a car. He has had a valid drivers license here for 17 years . I am happy that he’s home that and that my girls are home and that Epp is finding peace and enjoying these sunny warm days, buying fresh corn and berries from the farm stands and riding her bicycle along the beautiful beach roads.

  24. Dear Mimi, don’t you see the difference between living in a country and just driving through. Of course you don’t have to change your licence when your just a tourist, but Justin was a bit more, eh? Since when do americans take breaking the law so lightly?

    You talk of Estonia in such a demeaning and rude way. I find it disgusting. Your sons name wasn’t “tarnished” because he took his daughter to a concert, dear, accept that.

  25. Dear Mimi, I agree with you that it is a nasty case. But please don’t make this the issue of Estonia. I have lived abroad in several countries and have come across similar inhuman bureaucrats elsewhere too. And I’ve heard similar stories about the US police.
    Many Estonian love and support the Petrones and understand the reasons why they had to move. This country and its people are not as bad as you seem to think.

  26. Epp, ilusat elu teie perele! Teie töid ja tegemisi on alati hea jägida sest kodus kasvamas just samaealised kolm tüdrukurirtsu! Mingu teil ikka hästi! Pere on see mis loeb ja teie ise, kes te seda koos hoiate!

  27. Tean, et politsei ei saa minema lasta, kui keegi on neile vihje andnud ja nad on rikkumise avastanud. Nii peeti mind kunagi kinni siis, kui ma tegin õppesõitu maanteel ja mu tagasõitja teavitas. Nimelt ei arvestanud eelmise liikluspiirangu lisateate tahvliga ja sõitsin liiga kaua liiga aeglaselt. Niisiis mina sain oma trahvi. Niisiis politseid ei saa süüdistada liigses bürokraatia – nad on kohustatud vihjetele reageerima.

    Valus on lugeda väiteid, et Eesti on mõttetult bürokraatlik maa. Tegelikult see pole nii ja enamikku meist ei peeta kordagi kinni. Ainult puhunud oleme vast kõik. Jääb küsimus, et miks see teavitaja pidas sõidustiili nii ohtlikuks, et pidas vajalikuks helistada.

    Natuke pettunud olen, et te lahkute. Mõtlen, et vaevalt nii pea tagasi, sest ega pidev platsivahetus lastele hea pole. Aga ikka loodan, et kunagi otsustate, et väike Eesti on siiski õige koht elamiseks. Praegu soovin kõike kõige paremat.

  28. * Annika, Seriously… I spoke of Estonia in a ” demeaning and rude way. Some of you “Estonians” are so easily insulted.
    If I wanted to be insulting that would be so easy in so many ways because I’m from New York we are truly exceptional at being rude and nasty.
    I do see the difference between driving as a “tourist” and living part time in your wife’s country.
    What seems not to be well understood in Estonia is that a New York Drivers License or a drivers license from any other state is our primary form of ID here. It takes the place of a passport. It is needed for everything. So if the requirement for getting a Drivers License in Estonia is to surrender your New York Drivers License then this would not be possible. He is a Journalist the company he works for is in New York. How does he function here in New York or anywhere in the USA without this NYS License. He can’t buy a plane ticket or go through security here in the USA without his Drivers License. You need to show it to sign any legal document here, to rent an apartment here and to buy a house here …. we don’t use passports here!
    Perhaps if nationalistic Estonia embraced more “foreigners” they would understand that Justin’s plight is not so very unusual.

  29. a reader says:
    October 16, 2013, 09:18
    Dear Mimi, I agree with you that it is a nasty case. But please do not make this issue of the United States. I have lived abroad in several Countries and have come across similar inhuman bureaucrats elsewhere too. And I’ve heard similar stories about the U.S. police.
    Estonian Many love and support the PETRONET and understand why The Reason They had to move. This country and its people are not as bad as you seem to think.

    * Dear “Reader”
    I don’t think this is a nasty case, I’m not sure why it even “newsworthy” and it is the reason that I have not written here or anywhere about this.
    But when I “Google” my son’s name to see what he’s written recently because I have always enjoyed reading his posts and the 1st story that is there at the very top of the page is this story using the words like mis demeanor and arrest now I am angry…. and I am New York angry !
    He is my son, I gave birth to him, raised him sent him to the best High School, and the best University, so that this can be the first story that comes up about him on a search.
    This has nothing to do with Epp’s readers or her “friends”, but it has everything to do with what seems to be some vendetta against “my family” who chose to live there.

    Oh and one more thing I wish you would all stop with the “pity party” about Estonia. Don’t tell me not to make this a big deal here in the US.
    I couldn’t even if I wanted to. Why you ask, because no one would care about a traffic stop in Estonia. They wouldn’t care about a traffic stop here, unless you were drunk or in a car accident.

    It would be like going to a shopping mall on the busiest day of the year, standing in the crowd and whispering. “Justin Petrone was pulled over by the police for driving too slow.”

  30. Mimi, I suppose most of Estonians can understand your dissappointment. But somehow it seems, that this is not enough… it seems, that you simply want to offend every single Estonian. And I find it rude.
    I may not know all the details but I do not believe that anybody tried to force Justin to surrender his US driving licence in Estonia… it just wasn’t effective… as European driving licence is not effective in the US after first 90 days… and as Estonian ID-card means nothing in the US… although I can drive with this licence all over Europe and with my ID-card I can cross easily borders in Europe, do my banking and even elect my parlament wherever I am…

  31. Margit,
    I am not sure that you understand that I am not “disappointed”, as you have said.
    My point once again was that I was angry that when I searched under Justin Petrone this story appeared at the top of the page.
    I said and have said before that I was amazed that a traffic stop especially one for driving too slow was newsworthy at all.
    I was told that the issue is that in order to get an Estonian license you must surrender your New York License.
    If I am incorrect on this then I will stand corrected.
    I realize that you can drive all over Europe with your EU license, I can drive all over the US with my New York License.
    I can do all my banking all over the US as well. I can do it from Europe.
    I am not sure what this has to do with anything.
    I am saying that for an American citizen who is living in Estonia 10 months of the year and telecommuting for his job in New York City, he can not travel by plane, purchase a car, or rent an apartment without his NY license.
    We do not have National ID cards here in the states.
    I feel that I have explained this to death.
    If you wish to make this into some personal anti Estonian argument then we can do that but it has never been my issue.

  32. By “nasty case” I meant the activity of these policemen, not Justin Petrone’s slow driving or even his ineffective licence. I think too that it isn’t a big deal and the media overreacted.
    But I would like to point out that in US you can even spend two weeks in jail for driving too slow. Just google “Gabrielle Shaink Trudeau”.

  33. A Reader:

    Absolutely, you would get pulled over here for driving too slow.
    Here, if you were leaving a concert late at night the police would be everywhere making sure that you weren’t driving drunk or high, and handing out as many tickets for anything they could find on the car you were driving for inspections, insurance etc.
    My issue was never about whether or not the Estonian police had good reason to stop Justin. I feel they did have a good reason which is why in my 1st post I said that I hadn’t posted about this story anywhere before.
    My issue was with how it was handled on the side of the dark road especially with my granddaughter in the car, and with the huge
    media hype associated with this “non story” and what it turned into over his drivers license.
    He has always maintained a legal address here in New York, so to my argument why should he for all the reasons aforementioned be forced to surrender his NYS Drivers License for an Estonian license.
    This is a just stupid!
    If you have been driving for 17 years do you really need to go to school for a year. The ice driving school actually is not a bad idea because we don’t have as much dark, cold and ice as you do there.
    My joke about this was, we live in New York we live on Long Island .
    Our summer and weekend homeowners in the Hamptons here have homes and addresses all over the world, many non celebrities have other homes in other states and countries.
    I wonder how many licenses Johnny Depp, Mick Jagger , and all the other political leaders, international bankers, writers, media icons, publishers, actors and rock stars and other “uber wealthy people” who live here on this Island have in their wallets ?
    This is the end of my story about this huge “non story” .
    Look around Estonia, to quote my granddaughter Anna to her teacher and her 1st grade class “it’s a very big world out there”.
    Have a nice life Estonia ….

  34. Olen Justini saatusekaaslane… nimelt selle aasta augustis külastasin Eestit ja teel Tallinnast Tartusse sõitis purjus jalgrattur teele ja sai kergelt müksu loomulikult sai kutsutud politsei..
    No ja siis kui selgus,et mul on ainult kanada load ja mitte seda ekstra, mitte midagi tõestavat paberilipakat(internationale drivers licence)tehti mulle trahv + ja võeti ära juhtimisõigus – pidin kutsuma kedagi, kes mind sihtkohta toimetaks- olles külaline ei ole see just kõige lihtsam.Kui palusin, et toimetan auto sihtpunkti ja saan aru oma “väärteost” – ähvardati mind suurema trhvi ja isegi vanglaga.Vot nii toredad poisid need eesti seadustejälgijad!!!
    Sellest rahvusvahelisest juhiloast aga pole kuskil teadvustatud ja kui Eesti riik loodab sel moel lisa teenida siis arvan,et nii kahju kui see ka on peab aru saama , miks normaalse mõtlemisega inimesed lahkuvad.
    Edu teile Epp ja Justin + lapsed!
    Naudin teie kirjutatud raamatuid ja ootan järgmisi.
    Ja ikkagi loodan paremat ka Eestile! Elagu Eesti!

  35. Lol, hea nimekiri muidugi, Johnny Depp, Mick Jagger ja Justin Petrone. Mida su ämm siin õigupoolest öelda tahab? No mida patroniseerimist oma suure laia maailma jutuga. 😀 Jutt käib, justkui me siin mingid hillbilly-pooletoobised, kes Hamptonsi või NY mainimise peale aukartusest tummaks peaksid jääma. Kas sinuga käib jutt samasugusel toonil, Epp? See jutt Justini-vastasest vendettast ja tohutust meediakärast on muidugi klass omaette. Tädike võtab vahel ühe klaasi liiga palju või? 😀

  36. Dear Christine, what is your point? That the US police always makes the safest choices? Just during the last months I have read several news about your policemen actually killing people, like the diabetic who was shot by police, after his fiance had called 911 to get help for him. Or this accident:
    And I also think that your celebrities are harrassed by media and paparazzi even worse than ours. And the Petrones certainly are celebrities here.

  37. good way says:
    Helle says:

    October 17, 2013, 17:50

    Lol, good list, of course, Johnny Depp, Mick Jagger and Justin Petrone. What did your mother-in-law wants to say it really is? Well, what patroniseerimist his big wide world talking. : D We are talking as if we are some hillbilly-half-breed, or who Hamptons NY Mention should remain mute awe. Are you the talk is about the same tone, Epp? This story vendettas against Justin-media world is huge, and of course a class by itself. An old lady takes between one glass too many, or?

    * You were the “Hillbilly” that inserted Justin’s name into my grouping .
    My point was only that where we live many people have many homes and addresses and yes the people mentioned live here too.
    They do so because we let them live without being overly interested in their celebrity. “The Hamptons” is not a town in New York (I am sure you know that, right?)
    So go ahead and be all nasty and nationalistic it just highlights your ignorance to my point or the real problem.

  38. em… I was thinking, should I say “Ok, guys, let´s stop arguing”, let´s just drop the topic now… And would you do it then? I would be grateful.
    Justin and me know that we made some mistakes and at the same time we are happy with the outcome, we like our new life here in the wilderness.
    No need to blame anyome. It is what it is. The laws are not perfect, the google search outcomes not perfect…

  39. *a reader says:

    October 17, 2013, 18:02

    Dear Christine, what is your point? That the U.S. police always makes the Safest choices? Just During the last months I have read several news about your policemen actually killing people, like the diabetic who was shot by police, after her fiance had called 911 to get help for him. Or this accident:
    And I also to think that your celebrities are harrassed by the media and paparazzi even worse than ours. And the PETRONET certainly are celebrities here.


    Perhaps translate is creating this miscommunication
    If you read my earlier I never defended or supported the tactics of
    our police here.

    I agreed that they stop people all the time especially after concerts and sports events looking for anyone and anything.

    Read above “Reader” …

    One more thing the reason that many of these celebrities choose to live here on this Island is because as I have said they can sit outside a coffee shop in East Hampton on the Main street have a coffee and read the paper and as we walk by my friend might/did say “good morning Paul” (as in McCartney).

    I understand the confusion with this … but ask Epp she’s been there many times… Were the streets filled with paparazzi ? No.

    Perhaps this is another good reason for them to live here and not there.
    I am being very careful to not suggest that Justin & Epp are in anyway celebrities, so as to not get another “LOL” from my good friend … “good way”. : )
    I am not sure how we have digressed into a discussion on Rock stars but my original point was only to state my unhappiness over seeing my sons name /our name come up on the 1st line of a Google search along with words like misdemeanor and arrest .

    Now this old lady will go pour herself a big glass of wine … LOL.

  40. Hi Christine,

    If it’s any comfort to you then I don’t get anything bad when I Google Justin. I only see his blog and other stories connected to publishing.

    I’m glad to hear that Epp&Justin&kids are enjoying this continent for change!

    With best,

  41. * English in NY

    To your comment, I have not been able to have this happen to me again.
    I have “Re Googled” (new term) his name several times this morning and it no longer comes up.
    So weird.

    Thank you, I’m okay with this now.

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